Parent and Patient Information System - ESPU

Parent & Patient Information System 06/09/2015 Page22 / 51 with 5-10 mm intervals. The radiologists make the interpretation of the test. In evaluation of urinary stone disease, contrast material is not used and it is the most accurate test in this regard. It has some disadvantages as the child must be immobilized and sometimes should be sedated in this respect. The use of contrast material and relatively higher radiation dose are other disadvantages. The spiral CT technology decreases the time of immobilization and applications with low-dose aim to decrease the radiation exposure. In some instances, the CT is not sufficient in imaging of the soft tissues where a further MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) may be needed. 2.6 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) It is a modality that achieves images by using the hydrogen atoms in the body. It is widely used to image kidney, bladder, prostate, testis and penis pathologies. It is the most accurate test for evaluation of congenital abnormalities. Use of various contrast material during MRI expanded its area of indication. Injection of gadalonium (contrast material used in MRI) and obtaining quick images give information on both anatomy and functions. MRI images can be reconstructed in any angle or plane. It is the most accurate test for soft tissues and patients are not exposed to ionizing radiation. However, the long test duration makes the sedation of children obligatory. In some patients who had prosthesis are not suitable for this test.