Changes in Paediatric Urology Practice in the Context of the COVID-19 Outbreak

Marco Castagnetti and Ramnath Subramaniam, on behalf of ESPU, April 2020


The outbreak of COVID-19 infection has dramatically changed our way of life as we humans know it (being social in nature) together with our professional practice within the Paediatric Urology community. To date, no specific treatment is available for COVID-19 infection and it is generally accepted that social distancing is the main and perhaps, the only measure to avoid or contain the spreading of infection. This is so that the number of critical cases does not dramatically outweigh the resources of national health care, true for any region in the world. We need to adapt to these changing circumstances by looking at what evidence is currently available. We have pooled together information with links for benefit, we hope, although some of the information must have already hit your inbox from multiple sources.

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