History Session - 2010 Meeting, Antalya, Turkey - Development of Pediatric Urology in Anatolia

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 2. Development of Pediatric Urology in Anatolia

S.N. Cenk Buyukunal 
Cerrrahpasa Medical Faculty,Section of  Pediatric Urology,Department of  Pediatric Surgery,
Istanbul University

AIM: The aim of this presentation is  to give a brief information to the audiance ,about the development of  pediatric urology  in this historical area  called:Anatolia

MATERIAL AND METHOD: Various materials on medical history such as translation of Sumerian Clay tablets,an old surgical textbook from 15th century: Cerrahiye-i Ilhaniye,Annals of  Sisli  Children’s Hospital (Hamidiye-i Etfal),informed concent texts for pediatric operations from  15th and 16 th century, documents and materials related with 19 th and 20th century are investigated

RESULT AND DISCUSSION: Translation of  a clay  tablet from Sumerian period(a scientific work of  Prof Mrs Canan Agartan) mentions  us the first pediatric urological abnormalities such as :urinary incontinance and sexual development disorders.
Galen was the first phsician in this part of the world who mentioned the name  “hypospadias” and gave description of the abnormality.Sabuncuoglu Serafeddin (mid 15th Century from North Anatolia) was the first  surgeon  who has given the detailed operative pictures of  pediatric urological and surgical  procedures  : hypospadias, circumcision, intersex,inguinal  hernia,fused labia minora.This manuscript written by Sabuncuoglu(3 volumes,1460,Amasya)can be accepted as the  first pediatric surgical and urological atlas with its informative  and descriptive  pictures.
The children rights was very important in Ottoman Empire and  since 15th century,before every pediatric operation, an informed concents has been prepared and  signed by the  judge,surgeon and parents as well. During the presentation some examples from informed concents, related with bladder stone extraction operations will be shown.In these concents ,the type  and risk of operation,surgeon’s skills,parent’s rights and surgeon’s fee were all mentioned in detail.
First Children’s Hospital  called  Hamidiye-i Etfal in Istanbul founded in late 1890s and this was one of the most modern  and well equipped children hospitals of Europe.Many pediatric urological operations mainly urinary stone exstractions ,hydroceles and hernias has been  performed with successful results.
In this study  the names and efforts of leading persons as well as the names of  some  unknown heros will be mentioned. Turkish Pediatric Urologists are grateful for leading surgeons,  from both sides, pediatric surgery   and  adult urology background , for the foundation and development of this  specific  branch .