Webinar on Bladder Exstrophy: Long-term Follow Up, Andrological & Gynaecological Outcomes
Wednesday 12 October 2022, 18:00 - 19:00

ERN webinar Bladder Exstrophy 2022 10 12

Presented by Prof Wolfgang Rösch, Dr Martin Promm, Dr Aybike Hofmann, & Dr Franziska Vauth

This webinar will be presented by Prof Wolfgang Rösch, Dr Martin Promm, Dr Aybike Hofmann, & Dr Franziska Vauth from the Department of Pediatric Urology, Klinik St. Hedwig, Universitätsklinikum Regensburg (DE). It is aimed at healthcare professionals and is supported by ESPU.

The long-term follow-up of patients with bladder exstrophy is an area of growing interest.

To achieve proper physical health and quality of life in the long term, it is of utmost importance to set up the infrastructure and obtain the resources necessary for transition and the life-long care of these patients within a challenging healthcare environment. Because of the complexity involved in managing the paediatric exstrophy patient, a similar approach may be needed when the patient transitions to an adult environment.

This webinar will initially focus on andrological aspects, which are often unrepresented within the long-term outcomes of bladder exstrophy-epispadias-complex. However, this topic is an elementary component and enormously influences family planning and quality of life. Therefore, it is essential to include this issue from the beginning, during the reconstruction stages and the regular follow-ups.

Also, gynaecological issues are of increasing interest in young women with bladder exstrophy. During adolescence, paediatric urologists are often the primary contacts to address these issues, starting with the specifics of contraception through pregnancy and the possibilities of childbirth. General urogynaecological questions also play an essential role. This webinar will, therefore, focus specifically on the gynaecological characteristics of women with bladder exstrophy in the long term

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