Urotherapy Book

7 Dysfunctional voiding  Failure to relax the sphincter during voiding  Normal micturition frequency  Incontinence  Constipation  UTI’s  Enuresis  Post void residual  Staccato or interrupted flow pattern Normal amount of voids Underactive bladder  Low micturition frequency  Incontinence  Constipation  UTI’s  Post void residual  Staccato or interrupted flow pattern  Frequent big volume voids  (Cystometric) weak detrusor contractions Voiding postponement  Low micturition frequency  Incontinence  Normal flow pattern  Normal fluid intake  Often associated with behavioural problems Subtypes of LUTD; The assessment and documentation should be based on the following parameters; urinary incontinence (presence or absence and frequency), voiding frequency, voiding urgency, voided volumes, fluid intake, ROME- IV criteria. 2. Urotherapy and Urotherapists Urotherapy (also known as bladder training) is the first-line treatment for all types of functional incontinence. It can be defined as bladder re-education or rehabilitation aiming at correcting any correctable anomalies of the filling and voiding function of the bladdersphincter unit. Comorbid problems like constipation, urinary tract infections and behavioural problems, should be assessed and treated during urotherapy. For