Guidelines for Intermittent Catheterisation in Children - ESPU-Nurses

Appendix H Individual Transition Plan (ITP) Example of individual transition plan (Paediatric Urology Centre Nijmegen) Patient sticker Date Yes=Y No=N Not applicable = N/A Space for noting any additional comments/questions A. KNOWLEDGE & INFORMATION 1. Do you know what urological problem/disease/condition you have? 2. If you have questions about your condition, do you ask them? 3. Do you know where to find information about your condition? 4. Are you interested in information about relationships or sex? 5. Are you interested in information about fertility or having children? 6. Do you know how to get in touch with other young people in your situation? B. STAYING HEALTHY 1. Do you drink enough (1.5 L per day)? 2. Do you notice when you have a urinary tract/bladder infection? 3. Do you know how to avoid getting a urinary tract/bladder infection? 4. Do you know how to avoid getting constipated? C. CATHETERISATION (if applicable) 1. Can you perform catheterisationyourself? 2. How often do you do catheterise yourself?